STUDIO PILATES 70 - Tel: +39 333 5888265 - Email: Studio@StudioPilates70.com
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A good new for all the beginners, we will start on September 22th for Base and Intermediate and on September 29th for real Beginners new classes dedicated to friends who have no or little experience of Pilates.

The new classes:
Thursday and Tuesday from 7.00 to 7.50 p.m. (Base and Intermediate)
Thursday and Tuesday from 8.00 to 8.50 p.m. (Beginners)

The class planning is going to start from the very basic of Pilates and progress during the year through a continuous improvement of the exercises to get to the point of being entitled to enter the fantastic world of Pilates and start seeing on your body the improvements and changes that a regular practice of Pilates will allow to achieve.

Call us or email, we will be happy to give you any kind of additional info on prices and program...but... hurry! we are going to accept only 10 new friends for each class, after that we cannot accept any additional request!